3D Geometry Idealization

Is there a way to reference the geometry file to help create a manual mesh without having to auto generate a mesh first? For instance, when I import my step file, the geometry disappears when I go to make the mesh. I could auto generate a mesh to get some reference nodes and delete what I don't want, but this seems cumbersome.

I am new to Mecway (and preprocessing workflow in general), so I apologize if this is covered somewhere else or if I just don't understand something. I could not find it from a quick search on google or the forum. I've attached the step file for reference.


  • As you say, you could mesh all with shell elements and use to create a new mesh, or in the CAD create directly the wireframe geometry if that the case, and export as DXF. I have created some models like that in FreeCAD and it works ok for creating beam elements.
  • For what it's worth, I clicked "mesh" with 20mm element size, set steel and a wall thickness to 5mm?, held the bottom, loaded the top and the thing looks like it's behaving. If you took the time to modify wall thicknesses and put the correct load in there, I think you are on you way without manual meshing.

  • Sergio
    Yeah at this point I figured it will take some more effort to get what I want. I'm just new to the workflow so I wanted to see if I could save some time.


    Thanks for the input! I still have much to learn in regards to manipulating a model in Mecway.
  • Pay attention to the lower plate, if is single plate of 50.4mm you should replace the actual three surfaces by only one.
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