Contact general question

Hi Guys

There are probably a lot of forum where I could post this questions however based on the conversations which happen in this forum I think it would be the best place to post. .

I primarily use Strand7 at work which allows for contact via nodes. If you do not have a conformal mesh *which would imply node to node contact) it then uses something called an attachment link which allows the contact to distribute the loads to the nodes of an element where node to node cannot be performed. The actual contact elements are essentially modified line elements.

Based on the paper clip sample on mecway the contact for that problem seems to be very complex, that is honestly something which I believe Strand7 will not be able to perform unless you simplify the model and create a very complex model which would have long solve time. I have also with victors assistance created a model where two cans interact with each other, the simulation solves far more efficiently compared what Strand7 could do. How does contact work on Calculix?


  • edited February 2024
    Well... just don´t do too much zoom :-)

    In my experience works razonably well for being a free software (probably the best of the open source world if we put in the scale the easy setup and having so good preprocesors available as Mecway and Prepomax), and very often you will need to make severeral runs until your find the correct setup/parameters for your case.

    Luckily with the tools provided by Mecway interface is enouhg for most of the cases, and if you want to play with more options, you could insert more sophisticated contact definitions by means of the "custom step content" feature available also.

    Would be very interesting to make some comparations if you have some cases/models that you can share (guess that stp models would be the best)
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