Bonded contact for thin film

Hi all, trying out 4.0 trial version. Love the graded contours, and the improved graphics speed. I have asked at work for the upgrade, but not sure how near the top of the purchasing list I have reached.

The bonded contact looks very interesting to me for my problem of thin films that receive a heat load attached to much larger substrates of different material. I currently mesh the thin films finely along with the top of the substrate, then grade the mesh to a much coarser as I get away from the very localized heat source and towards the heat sink. This is very node/element hungry at the thin film end, and I use a variety of element shapes with a complex 3D jigsaw to achieve the size transition. And it takes ages. The fine mesh is necessary in the thin film 1. for precise distribution of the heat 2. to avoid large aspect ratios

I am interested in connecting the thin film to the substrate by a bonded contact. It would be nice to avoid a fine mesh at the top of the substrate, but as the heat flux and temperature gradient are quite high here I will probably have to still transition from fine to coarse. I will, however, be freed from the tyranny of having to match the meshes, so I can play around with refinement at the top of the substrate. This freedom will allow to use a tetrahedral mesh with all the automeshing functions that are available (I believe that local refinement in 3D works well with tets but not with other shapes). I will probably stick with a hex mesh in the thin film, but will try midside nodes all over if the system can cope! I don't think I need any constraints on the slave nodes, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I'll report back how I get on, but would be interested in any thoughts/advice/experience from here (the support with this package is fantastic by the way: greatly appreciated).

Good weekend.



  • I don't see any major problems with that approach. The heat flux right on the boundary may have more error than with a single mesh, so you might end up needing two layers of elements for the film. From a quick test I did, that didn't seem to be an issue though.
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