We generally try to keep models "reasonable" in size, meaning 50-250K elements, generally less than 1M DOF.
Run times can be minutes to hours (not usually days). Lately we have had bigger models that look like below, and even using the latest PASTIX, a fast server with lots of memory and cores, I'm starting to get into the "days" category.
Any advice on solvers, hardware, methods, anything?
One variable that often goes unnoticed and I usually forget to set is "Generate solution at XXX time steps". If you are not particularly interested in the nonlinear process evolution but the final result, you can save a lot of disk writing (time) specially if there are many variables requested.
@sergio, good suggestions, we do these.
Thanks for at least reminding me this is not a trivial problem
Would be very interestintg to see such a model!