Hi all,
Happy new year.
I am running some simulations of heating a coiled filament. I want to incorporate temperature dependencies for conductivity, both electrical and thermal. As the DC current analysis does not take into account temperature, is it feasible to iterate a few times between DC current and thermal steady state, feeding back in temperatures each time? Or is there a better way? I will try it, but Im not quite at that stage yet.
It should be possible to write a Python script to automate that but it'd be pretty complicated too, so might not be worth it.
I started with a DC current analysis with a best-guess uniform temperature of 3000K. I then suppressed the temperature and fed the current densities into a steady-state thermal analysis. From this, temperatures are fed back into another DC current... and so on. Seemed to converge quite well. The DC current analyses were very fast but the thermals were getting on for an hour each, so a bit tedious, but I just got on with other stuff. (Stop press! Just tried ccx_static_i8 and it took about 12 minutes with similar results. Lesson learned.)
I'll attach a plot of how the iterations converge. I think there are a couple of dud runs in here where I probably forgot to suppress temperatures or whatever. Wine may have been involved. I'll post some pretty results from Mecway later as I'm away from home without my Space Mouse.
It seems the electrical conductivity triumphed over the thermal as the temperatures were much lower than with no temperature dependence. Pretty pictures later.
With the current analysis, I've confused myself now. I was all ready to do another iterative run using CCX for the thermal steady state (which I thought I had tried and found to be quicker). But it does not like the radiation constraint, so I'm back to using the internal solver. I didn't save the previous CCX attempt - did I manage to omit the radiation, I wonder?
You can use radiation with CCX in thermal transient. There was some reason I couldn't get it to work right in steady state so I disabled that option.