Boundary condition error - node rotation - No rotational DOF

I'm testing something and got a strange error. Selected nodes have rotational DOF around x axis set to zero and I get an error. Model seems to produce proper result. Anyone knows what the reason could be?


  • ¿Are you using ver.14 for some specific reason?. There have been some bug fixes on the last versions/years.
    Last versions have a folder with all the required instruction to compile ccx v2.19 with MKL Pardiso OCC.

    Regarding your warning it happens because there is an orphan node inside the NodeSet.
    Nodes by themselves do not have rotations DOF's.
    Move the shell plate to erase it or use the delete unused nodes tool.

  • Huh. Thanks for this. I was not paying enough attention.
    As mentioned in other post, I have to update both Mecway and CCX. Didn't use them for some time and I just clicked the icon and went on with work.
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