free version - cant save a 900 nodes model


I try to get some FEA knowledge using Mecway. I have v16 in "free" configuration. I have a simple model with 900 nodes defining 841elements (shell - quad4).

When wanting to save, I'm not allowed: "Free edition: Cannot solve, save or run scripts on models with more than 1000 nodes".

But with 900 nodes, I should be below the limit. I get my nodes number from Mesh tools>Nodes/Elements list.

Are there other elements considered in the 1000 limit than nodes?

I probably miss something obvious :-)

Best regards,



  • Hello JMF. Sorry for the bad surprise.

    If you used the CCX solver, the solution probably has more than 900 nodes because CCX expands shells to solids. Clear the solution (Solution -> Clear) and it should save OK.
  • Thanks a lot Victor for the expalantion and the tip. I understand now and you show how to proceed. It works.

    Thanks a lot for letting people like me use use a powerful tool as Mecway to learn and discover. If I can, I vould be happy to play with your new MITC shell elements.

  • The MITC shell elements are available in the current version (16) but they're not labelled as that since they're not optional and have replaced the old ones.
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