What are the right settings for environment variables for CCX (Mecway 16.0)

Hello all.
I am trying to make my new computer (Win 11) running and move also Mecway to it. In fact I am having many environment variables on my old PC that had been used in someway with Mecway. I don't want to feed up my new system with possibly obsolat variables.

I would highly appreciate if one could give a clear descripion of the required env. variables.

May be for using Mecway with Intel MKL stuff and without that - if there is a difference.
(honestly speaking it is still confusing me)

On page 129 (about Calculix Solver) is written:
environment variables for the CCX process. These enable the out-of-core feature of MKL PARDISO
with the version of CCX that is included as source code"

I Installed Mecway 16.0, but I cannot find any of the mentioned variables.

Thank you im advance


  • edited September 2022
    Hi @Hengre. I don't think there are any environment variables for the version of CCX that comes with Mecway. But if you downloaded a multithreaded one like with Pardiso or PastiX, there'll be something to set the number of threads. I'm not sure what though.

    Those environment variables that Mecway sets only exist ephemerally in the CCX process that it starts, so they're not visible from the rest of the system. They also probably won't do anything unless you compile from the source which includes a patch to enable OOC.
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