Maximum and minimum numerical values. Round-off .

Hi Victor,

I have recently post in the CalculiX forum a question regarding the maximum/minimum numerical values that can be used with CalculiX.
I suspect that certain operations give wrong results when the value involved exceeds a very big or very small number and I’m trying to figure which could be these value.

As I’m not CalculiX user directly I would like to ask you one question regarding the .inp that Mecway generates.

¿Do you always translate the user inputs into SI Units to build the inp file ? ¿Does it happen the same with the internal solver?



  • Yes, Mecway always uses m,kg,s for both solvers. So this can restrict the range of values that work well. I know there are issues with nanometer scale meshes.
  • edited September 2022
    Thanks Victor,

    I think selecting SI(mm) as unit system could extend the range of values that work well.
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