Can't Project to Target MESH

1) I have a set of random nodes (Source). 2) I have a triangular element that I wish for Target. Selection box for Target Mesh does not allow the selection, instead I get a screen error.

What am I missing?


  • Oh, this is a bug. Thanks for finding it, I'll fix it in the next version.

    The only workaround I can find is to restart Mecway. You can predict when it's about to happen when the target selection shows "0 nodes, faces or elements" instead of "0 faces".
  • OK. Yes, I was wondering why I thought it worked the first time (only).

    Also, is it possible to make ALL the selected Sources translate perpendicular to the Target?
    As it stands, like a fly swatter, unless the Target (swatter) is larger than the Source cloud (flies), only those Sources within the shadow of the Target face are translated. (Getting back to the goal of translating a mesh to lie parallel to any plane in 3D space.)
  • Not sure if that behavior would generalize well to other uses. But I see what you mean, that does make it a lot less convenient for projecting onto an infinite plane.
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