Custom refinement may duplicate and merge nearby nodes


I have found the source of one problem I was experiencing.
Custom refinement on near shells may duplicate some elements and merge nearby nodes.

Attached file shows the problem if you request to custom refine (2,2,1).


  • Could you clarify where the problems happen? I don't see any duplicated elements nor the beams merged to the solids or shells when I apply Refine custom to the whole model or to just the shells.
  • edited July 2022
    Running the model just opened the plates separate as they are not attached in any means. After a Custom refinement 2,2,1, the nodes between plates are merged and the solution gives cero displacement .

    Additionally, internal solver shows a warning.:

    Warning: Elements 65, 74-128 ... are duplicates. Use Tools -> Find duplicate elements to show them. .

  • Hi, Victor,

    I think I see what happens. You fixed the custom refinement adding a merge operation as some of the middle nodes disconnect in previous versions. Now , when merging, there is this particular case when two elements that are going to be refined overlap and end up merged together.

    Maybe a warning before proceeding if some of the nodes thar are going to be Custom refined are overlapping?¿?. Or maybe proceed as Refine x2. Curiously it doesn't show this problem.

  • Oh, I see now. I was somehow looking at the wrong file before. Your explanation does sound like what happened. I'll see about adding a warning in a future version. Fixing it properly will be more difficult than Refine x2 because it has to keep track of more in-between nodes.
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