Zooming performance

Hello Victor,

When dealing with large models , I have noticed that when rotating them with the middle button of the mouse, the model flows fantastic but when zooming everything slows down considerably.
I have loaded the largest model I have found on the forum to investigate, and I have found something cool.

When rotating (I have to press middle button and move the mouse while keeping the pressure), the geometry is simplified by MECWAY and the graphics performance is very good.
When zooming ( I just rotate the middle button) graphics performance is horrible as seems like there are still some “nodes” activated. See screenshots.

They are not really nodes as I have the model in “show surface mode” but looks like green nodes.

I have realized that as rotating is a continuous operation (it do not finish until I unpress the middle button) the optimization works well.
As zooming is a discontinuous operation when it is done with the middle mouse wheel , the graphics optimization/simplification do not work properly.

No sooner said than done. I have zoom in and out but keeping pressure on the middle button and the zoom operations runs like butter. Is it possible to set Mecway to have this into account? Users will notice a huge difference when zooming the model.


  • Yes, zooming performance for big models is not the best. Another helpfull option would be a new dedicated tool to "zoom to selected area" directly.
  • edited March 2022
    Great hack! I didn't know you could do that :) This is a tricky problem of simplifying the model for zoom then somehow knowing when to unsimplify it. If you have a Spacemouse, that zooms the smoother way with simplifications because it knows when you're operating it or not.

    Are those green dots the arrowheads of pressure symbols showing through from the inside?
  • You are right.

    Green dots are hydrostatic and normal pressure arrows.
    Model simplify as soon as I press any mouse button and move it.

    I have switched mouse buttons in the options menu and now keeping pressure on the right button when zooming has the same boosting effect and it’s more comfortable. Even with all the nodes activated !!!.

    Enough for me.
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