Gents, I am doing some example related to my work in Mecway and I am modelling a cross H beam structure (pls see the attached screenshot). I am using all shell (2D) elements. I find it very time consuming to do the mesh in Mecway because I have to do a lot of extruding/sweeping to ensure that the intersection of the two H beams are connected to each other perfectly. I remember that in ANSYS I can just did the geometry in designmodeler and group them before sending to mesh module. Then ANSYS mesh module will automatically recognize the contact area. I understand that I should not expect the same level of functionality since Mecway is significantly less expensive than ANSYS.
After doing some research I downloaded the Gmsh and Salome. I played Gmsh a little bit and find it not very user friendly. I didn't get a chance to try the Salome but it looks more user friendly than Gmsh. I am only targeting to do some analysis similar to the cross beam structure as shown in the attached screenshot. Could you please advise how should I make the meshing part easier? Thanks!
It took a minute or two to make this partial model. I skipped some of the webs:
Using Mecway tools, I create the shell footprint of all bottom flanges joined together. Often this begins in the form of several rectangles, and using the Refine/Custom mesh tool is a great advantage. Some attention is required to insure the mesh will provide nodes at the web centerlines.
Once the bottom flanges are saved (Named Selection), the web cL nodes are chosen, then reselected as faces, then extruded in normal direction. Lastly, Flanges group is copied to Top flange position, and all nodes merged together. If in subsequent editing I've copied elements to other locations, the "Find duplicate elements" is a valuable mesh check.
Alternatively, extruding a single beam from a cross-section, then using that "Parent" to copy, rotate, mirror it's "children" into the form of your structure -- would definitely appreciate "Find duplicate elements" after merging nodes.