meshing error code C0000005

Hi, I'm new to this forum and experiencing I expect a simple problem. I use turbo cad for drawing but this does not export drawings as STP files, I can only export STL files. If i draw a solid shape and save as STL file, import it to Mecway and run 3D automesh all is well, the mesh is constructed of pyramids. If I draw the same solid shape but with a hole through the middle and import it, when I run the automesher 3D it fails and I most often get the code error C0000005. Could you help with what i am doing wrong. I can see that in either case the shapes appear in Mecway as a shell type structure, ie the triangles are only in 2D. Id there a list somewhere of these error codes and there meaning? thankyou


  • Unfortunately, I don't know what the error code means.

    If you're getting a surface mesh but not a solid mesh, it could be that the surface isn't properly closed (manifold). Did that hole you made have a properly connected inner wall? One way to check is use View -> Open cracks and see if any gaps open up. Another aid is to turn on View -> Show model edges which may reveal some unexpected gaps which it detects as edges.

    Other times it fails with the default Maximum element size and I find I have to specify something. Just a large realistic size.
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