Template for Nonlinear Prestress Modal

hi guys,

victor helped me get nonlinear prestress modal working. i wanted to share it with you, in case you wanted to do this type of analysis. it is for the ccx solver. you can import the file into a Mecway analysis. i have it setup for composites, that is why the GLOBAL=NO card is specified. it works for isotropic materials with that setting too.

there is another file if you have cyclic symmetry. lastly one for coriolis active. however, Mecway can't visualize the modes with coriolis. so right now you can only view the results in the dat file. the modes shown on screen are without coriolis.

if you have one component named Default, the files will work. if you have many components you can select all the elements and make a named selection. I used the name Eall to match the ccx manual. however, you can use any names, if you modify the cards.

the ccx manual will help explain the modifications. angular velocity is in units of rad/s^2. you can change the number of modes as well. these files just help to make the changes but you need to tweak them for exactly what you want. all the files only have a centrifugal force load. that's all i model. if you are doing other types of loads you will have to figure out how to apply those instead.

if you have a centrifugal force load specified in mecway, these modifications override that. moreover, the load specified in mecway is ignored. this goes for the number of modes as well. the nice thing about this is if you have multiple configuration setup, the mods only apply to the configurations they are active in. so the things setup in mecway can still be useful in the configurations you want them to be in. i was comparing regular prestress modal vs nonlinear prestress modal. also looking at cyclic symmetry and coriolis.

one thing i found while getting these working is mecway doesn't visualize rotating modes. cyclic symmetry is really slow. i pretty much don't use it because of this. coriolis isn't really supported right now. much of what is in the cyclic symmetry mod i don't understand. it seems to work though.


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