Shaft analysis, improve visualization

Hi, is there a way to tune the visualization of displacement on a shaft being torsionated, to show the part twisted and not a conical shape?


  • Static 3D is going to use small deflection theory, switch to nonlinear static 3D.

  • Thanks @JohnM , have solved decreasing the scale of magnification, initial was x1000 but with x50 is enoguh to see the rotation and the other deformation is almost invisible.
  • Hi Sergio, John,

    ¿ I’, curious about why this effect is showing up ?
    I have constrained the external surface of the cylinder with frictionless support, and it still shows a cone.
    ¿Is this a bug when plotting the displacements results?

  • Hi @disla , as far as I know all the postprocessors that I have used shows this same issue (look in Google images of FEA of shafts, and lots of them will show in this way, probably the ones that are not use less scale). Guess that is related to the fact that the nodes are deforming in two directions at the same time, and the more you scale up the visualization, worst it is.

    I'm not sure if using a circular coodinate system and using the tangencial DOF to make the scaling of the deformation would improve.
  • You are Right. Now I see why. Scaling factor amplifies the displacement on each direction. As rotation (displacement) is bigger on top each section is bigger than the previous and result in a cone.
    I have check initial and final X,Y and Z of surface nodes and all remain in the shaft surface. Just visualization artifact.

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