Imported step file - "The geometric material type NONE is not allowed"

Hi all,

I am new to Mecway, so I am not sure how to solve the problem. Previously I used Swolidwoks Simulation to check weldments as attached.

I have created skid weldment in SW and imported it to Mecway. I assigned the material before I generated mesh. When mesh has been generated the message "The geometric material type NONE is not allowed" appeared. I would like to use

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?


  • I think your mesh did not make solids, Mecway thinks your model is shell elements.
    You have multiple parts, they need to be read in as individual STEP files and meshed separately. You likely got a "Gmsh may be bad" message at the end of your meshing(?)
    When Gmsh fails, it will sometimes give you the shell mesh it tried making.
  • Thank you for the suggestions. I will try to mesh the parts separately.

    Meantime' I've changed the mesher to Netgen 6 and it works fine.

    Thanks again
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