Create Node/Surface Couplings without the use of Named Selections?

Hey all,

Is it possible to create node-surface couplings without the use named selections? My current workflow is:
1. Create named selection of the "surface"
2. Select reference node
3. Right click, create new node to surface coupling
4. Pick named selection

This process is pretty painful when making lots of RBE2s - I often use them to spider out beam elements to represent fasteners. This process results in tons of named selections in large models, and they get extremely hard to keep track of. Just trying to see if their is a work around? If not, could this be a future improvement?



  • edited August 2024
    Yes. You can do this:
    1. Select the surface faces
    2. Create a new node-surface coupling. The surface will automatically be assigned.
    3. Select the reference node.
    4. Edit the node-surface coupling. The selected node will be automatically assigned too.

    Named selections aren't really needed for much. They're mainly if you want to give it a name to easily identify it, or refer to it with a custom CCX card or the post-processor tools.
  • Good tip. I had not noticed the assignment shortcut.

    As for Named selections, I use them all the time for Set operations (subtractions & unions) when manually forming mesh or contact sets.
  • edited August 2024
    Named selections are useful for post processing. For example, pull down the solution tab and try to Sum, you'll often get a big list of "Selected Nodes(5)" kind of stuff. But if you've named something fixed_plate_surf, there it is for you to sum your reaction forces without guessing.
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