question about how to discretize contact

Hello everyone

I am developing a glass wall that will be placed between two swimming pools, and a major difficulty with this model is the contact.

When the glass flexes, the side that receives the load goes up and the inner side goes down, Shear

(glass + plastic + glass + plastic + glass - Bondedcontact).

When this occurs in the wedge, there is a very high build-up of tension, since all the effort to prevent movement is made by it in a distribution that becomes a hotspot line.

To combat this build-up, we use a protrusion in the wedge and let the glass rotate as in the attached image.

How could I allow this sliding movement in the wedge, detaching part of one side and compressing the other part in the model? What type of contact would this be?

I did not draw the correct wedge in the model. I designed everything with Mecway. The mesh for this curved element is better to draw it with Step and import or do it in Mecway. Could there be incompatibility?

for the model I'm using CCX - C3D8R - for hyperelastic and C3D8I for all other elements. all hex8 elements


  • Hello Vinicius_Petrucci. If I understand correctly, you can use contact with the unilateral option to allow sliding and separation. If you want sliding without allowing separation, maybe bonded contact with a near-zero tangential stiffness.

    It's OK for the other part to be tet meshed.

    Unrelated to that, since the meshes on the layers all appear to match each other, you could merge all their common nodes and eliminate the contacts. That might improve solver performance and won't have any spurious penetration due to the finite contact stiffness.
  • Perfect, that's exactly what I needed.
    Thanks Victor
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