Stress linearisation

i'm playing with the Demo Version of Mecway to check if it would suits my needs.
i just run a dummy model for Stress linearisation and i'm getting the following Error: Stress with all 6 components not present in the solution
can somebody tell what i'nm doing wrong?


  • You need to ask to compute the stress components before requesting the stress linearization, they are not included by default. Go to Menu/Solution/Stress and Strain/Stress, and then try again with the linearization. You must first select two nodes, the first one on the inner side of you body, and the second in the outer side, and then select the linearization tool in the menu

  • Thanks mery much Sergio, it worked!
    by the way, is there a way to to select a volume of a multibody part?
    i have a Model with two Bodies. when i import the model in Prepomax, i'm able to see to different volumes. but in Mecway i have only one bonded part.
  • edited February 2024
    In Mecway parts are called components, and if I remember well they are imported as element named selections (sets or groups in Prempomax). Look in the model tree under Named Selections, choose the one that you need (all the elements of that named selection will be selected and highlited in the model view), and then go to the Component & Materials branch and in the contextual menu choose New Component, then you have your model separated.

    Solve again, and now in the Solution tree there is a new branch, Components from where you can hide or show them as you wish for postprocessing.

    In case you have several named selections of elements (several parts in your original file), there is a script to convert all at once:

    In a normal workflow, you first import stps files with the geometry, and when you mesh, components are created and asociated with the geometry and results automaticly.
  • Hello Sergio,
    the Problem is, when i import an Assembly, (just a model with two volumes) Mecway import the two part tied together, showing them as one volume. and i have no option to select them individually even after meshing, just one component is created. the same model instead imported in Prepomax shows the two different components
  • edited March 2024
    If Is an step file, it must have only one component per file. Mecway doesn't recognize assembly steps
  • Yes it is a .step file.
    in this case, how do you import assemblies in Mecway? using some external mesher?
  • edited March 2024
    In CAD, I export every component of the assembly as an individual file. Some components that are made in the same material can be exported in a single file, very often for bolts I do that, one component with all the bolts, is easier to manage that way. You can split the assembly in any comercial CAD, or use FreeCAD or Salome for that.
  • Thanks, i will give it a try
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