I think this deserves its own post. It follows the discussion:
https://mecway.com/forum/discussion/479/ccx-mfrontI would like to help to the best of my ability, but the simplest DRUCKERPRAGER don’t seem too much documented in the TEFL website.
*Material, name=
I can’t relate constant with any reference from ABAQUS.
The simplest Druker Prager I can find in Abaqus is the lineal one but it has three constants. , , .
If anyone knows what does that means I could prepare an indirect verification test.
I think the most plausible one could
Constants are provided, It is documented and the final Linear+Cup Curve is provided for comparison.
I will be trying if anyone else is interested to finally compare.
Ccx 2.21 + lasts Portable MFRONT generated by Rafal.
Attached Parameters and Expected result.
What I can't relate is constant MFRONT Tau with Abaqus beta, K , sigmac.
NOTE: First post can't be edited. Damn it. Units are obviously wrong. Copy paste. My fault.
These are the right parameters with their units:
DRUCKER PRAGER CAP material behavior needs custom cards as shown above and the portable MFRONT drivers recently published by Rafal.brzegowy in the Calculix forum.
Have you change material parameters or loading conditions.?
Is it for all s1 s2=s3 combinations or just some of them.
Just for reference: Could you try this two time steps.
EDITED: Loading conditions are not easy to constrain in such a way that the system is not over constrained and at the same time allows up to a certain level of asymmetry in the loading.
The main goal is to obtain two of the principal stresses with the same value and a pure uniform stress State that triggers the Failure at the right spot.
Let me know if that works now for you. If not, there are other more sophisticated options to constrain the model.
This is how my working directory looks like. I'm using the dynamic version of ccx 2.21 from official webpage and very last MFRONT portable sent by Rafal v2.8.
By sure the working directory is added to the path into the windows overall variable settings.
Does it work for someone?.
Suppress my entry on the ccx three to run with the default Pastix solver. It should work too.
You must use the official ccx 2.21 downloaded from the webpage of the autor.