Components In the Solution seem to have disappeared

I am currently running Version 14. In previous models in Version 13 the solution included all of the components that had been defined for different thickness' over the model. In 14 all the results got dumped into a single "default" component. Is there way to restore this functionality or is there a parameter I somehow tripped that I did not realize?

Sorry if this is redundant but I search the forum and nothing seemed to fit. - Regards


  • From a conversation I had with Victor:

    "If the number of elements is different in the solution than the model, it does that because Mecway doesn't know how the solution element numbers map to the input element numbers. That happens if there are any laminates or pre-tension section applied to beam elements which would be via custom step contents."

    I think he recognizes that this is something he needs to address.
  • Yes, it's a regression when the solution has more elements than the model, sorry.
    • In v13, additional elements would end up in some arbitrary component and fewer elements would cause a crash.
    • In v14, both additional and fewer elements cause it to throw its hands in the air and omit all the components to be safe.
    • In v15, extra elements will be put in their own new component while fewer elements will probably still cause it to omit all components for the reason John gave.
  • Thanks for your response. The answers broken into the elements meant I could get the stresses on all the nodes within an element, including the virtual ones in the shell. The stresses could then be averaged to analyze in panel-by-panel hand analysis.

    I did bring in all the answers and interrogated them using the nodes associated with the panel from the input file but these lacked to virtual nodes in the answers. So, I found a solution but elements make it an easy way to segregate the panel results. I look forward to V15. In the meantime I will use V13.
  • Not sure if this would help, but are you aware of OUTPUT=2D on *NODE FILE or *EL FILE? It causes shells remain as 2D elements in the solution and CCX averages the stresses from the 3D nodes into 2D, which loses information like bending stress but should be still useful for membrane stress.
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