Modeling Compression Only Support in Buckling and Non Linear

Hi there, I am supporting a tank with Rigging slings across the circumference temporarily during change out of the permanent support leg. I want to check buckling under the self/ content load, I want to use compression only support for my two slings used but can't use compression only in Buckling or nonlinear, there are no compression only elements either if want to create a dummy support. Any ideas as how to approach this in Mecwey.


  • Try using thin shell elements with a high elastic modulus in a nonlinear (static or transient dynamic) analysis. Those elements will deform out-of-plane due to low bending stiffness but will be very stiff in membrane tension, thereby representing your sling. You will, of course, need to solve in ccx.

    Note - although I've done this type of modeling many times before, I've never done it in ccx. Perhaps some others can weigh in who have more shell element experience with ccx?
  • Many thanks for your prompt response, just to get my head round, how would you connect the thin shells to the tank? Do you have a sketch or a rough model you can share? Cheers
  • I was thinking you would define a contact surface between the sling shell surface facing the tank and the outer surface of the tank (shell or solid elements) facing the sling. That would allow the tank to buckle and pull away from the sling should the physics dictate.

    Unfortunately I don't have a model handy to share. Let me know if this isn't clear and I'll try to elaborate.
  • Many thanks, I got it.
  • Great. Let us know how it works.
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