The internal solver uses either of two eigenvalue solvers depending on the size of the model:
500 DOFs or more: ARPACK's Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method which is similar to Lanczos since the matrices are symmetric (except for cyclic symmetry where there are Hermitian).
Less than 500 DOFs: LAPACK's dspgvx. I don't know what algorithm that uses but it's more efficient for small problems or large numbers of modes.
500 DOFs or more: ARPACK's Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method which is similar to Lanczos since the matrices are symmetric (except for cyclic symmetry where there are Hermitian).
Less than 500 DOFs: LAPACK's dspgvx. I don't know what algorithm that uses but it's more efficient for small problems or large numbers of modes.
I believe the CCX solver uses ARPACK.