Name selections of faces inside a part

Hi Victor, I'm working with an assembly with bolts and want to create a group of faces in the middle of the shaft of a bolt (for applying preload). If I put the view with no faces visibles, I can select the nodes in that plane, but after there is no way to change to a "face selection". Can be this added for future releases?

Best regards


  • Not directly because internal faces might get selected by accident which would be annoying and risk subtle errors. But perhaps it should do that if the faces are exposed by the cutting plane or hidden components.
  • What I did today was create fake new components with half of the bolts to expose the surface, and after re-join the element to have one part for bolt, but was tedius. What about just allow to hide the selected elements? Thus would be just select nodes (with faces hided to be able to select through the part), change to elements, and then hide it to expose the surface.
  • Hi Sergio,

    A workaround you could use is reading the mesh and selection into matlab, converting from corner node to face selection within matlab and re-exporting another Mecway file with the named selection in the right format. As far as I can tell (Victor, please correct me on this!) the solver itself doesn't actually care where those faces are.
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