Unable to Add Pressure Load to Shell

Hello everyone, this is my first post in this forum.

I have a problem when adding uniform pressure to shell.
So, I created a 4-nodes element (quad4). This shell will be included in Default material. When I right-click the component, I can add pressure to the shell.
But the problem comes when the shell is added to new Component (Add elements to new component). When I tried to right-clik the shell, the option for adding pressure load is disabled, including other load (most of them are disabled).

Am I missing something why can't I add the pressure load?

Thank you.


  • edited May 2019
    It sounds like you selected elements instead of faces. Ensure Edit -> Select faces is turned on first. Creating the new component may have changed it to Select elements mode.
  • Wow, that helps. Thank you Victor.
    I think I need to take care about about that.

    Right now I can understand that the quad4 element consists of 6 faces.
  • No problem and yes, the edges are called faces too. Mecway doesn't have a separate concept of an edge.
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