Importation of a step file - Meshing Errors


I am a new MecWay user who is attempting to generate a mesh from a step file imported from FreeCAD. The solid imported is a hollow tube. My current process is something like this:

Right click my step file under geometry, then click "generate mesh."

A black box appears, stating "generate edge mesh." This is followed by a list of statements, all of which stated "divide edge: local h too small CORRECTED."

At the end of this process, I am greeted by the following advice:

- Make a surface mesh to identify problems
- Modify geometry to remove fine detail, non-manifold geometry.

What am I doing wrong? Any Advice? How do i make a surface mesh?
The detail on this tube is not fine. It's much more of a polygonal tube than a true circle.


  • I haven't used STEP files much, but when you right-click your step file in the tree there is a Meshing Parameters option. In here you can ask for a finer mesh etc. which might help. The option for surface mesh is also here.
  • Could you attach the step file?
  • Yes I could. Here it is:
  • The step file is not a real circular hollow section! It has a poligonal section so you can find a problem to mesh it with solid elements.
    Trash this geometry and build a new one.
    By the way, due to the small thickness is better to model the tube with a cylindrical surface and mesh with shell elements (one layer)
  • A common way to get things to mesh is to set the max. element size. Here I used 0.5m and it worked.
  • Thank you! The larger Mesh size did it.
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