Spring back (plasticity)

Hello every one,
I downloaded mecway (9.0 64 bit) and i want to calculate the spring back of a steel plate.
this means that you press with a force (step1), and deactivate the force at step 2. and see how plastically the bar has deformed (due to plasticity). can everyone help me? the attached picture illustrate my problem.

thank you


  • Hi Delano,

    I have never done plastic deformation, but I will try to get you going in the right direction. think you need to double click on the analysis type and choose non-linear static 3D, specify CCX and tick the quasi-static box. The time parameters allow the solver to solve at time intervals over the course of, let's say 1s with 0.05 intervals. Tick automated time intervals. Click back out to the tree and specify a force using a table so that you can ramp up the force over 1s then drop it to zero. You then need to assign a material and edit parameters on the 'plastic' tab in the materials properties box (typically yield strength and tangent modulus. Have a mess around along those lines until someone who knows how to do it comes along with a fuller answer. I have attached an example with made-up material properties - it seems to show both the elastic and plastic properties. When you look at the solution, press the view deformed option. Hope this gets you started.
  • *"ramp up the force over 0.5s"
  • Wow. Very fast answer. Thank you DaveStupple, I will try this today and let you know.
  • Delano,

    I've had so much help from the people here that it's a rare treat to be able to help someone else. Note that when you view your solution there is a slider at the bottom to slide through the time steps.

  • DaveStupple,

    okay. i have understood. i will try that today and tell you! very nice. Thank
  • Super DaveStupple. very Thank it work!
  • DelDel
    edited August 2018
    How can it get the reaction force of this example? not external force but reaction force
  • 1. Select the fixed elements and right click one then Add elements to new named selection.
    2. Solve.
    3. Solution -> Sum external forces on the element selection:
    a) Choose an external force component
    b) Select only the element selection for the domain D
    c) Evaluate

    That shows the sum of reaction forces at the current time step.
  • Thank you very much Victor. It run. Thank you for all
  • edited August 2018
  • edited August 2018

  • For some reason I’m not able to obtain any result when force is applied to faces.
    Directly asking to solve from your *.liml file do not provide any kind of solution.
    ¿It is the same for someone else?
  • This seems to be a bug or at least a missing feature that lacks an error message. Loads aren't allowed on the 1D faces of line3 elements with CCX. It looks like force is the only load that meets those conditions. Thanks for pointing it out because I somehow didn't recognize it when I ran the model myself. You can change it from faces to nodes to make it work.
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