U Stamped Pressure Vessel Repair

U stamped pressure vessel designed according to ASME Section VIII div 1. Equipment shell material is A516 Gr 70, thickness 28mm. It was not subject to post weld heat treatment. D.P. =20 Barg.
2‘’ nozzle encountered severe corrosion inside the nozzle and corrosion at shell to nozzle area.
Nozzle 2” is not reinforced; material is SA106 Gr B, thickness 11.07 mm schedule XXS.
This nozzle need to be replaced and corrosion of the shell plate at location to be repaired.
What are your suggestions for the repair in reference to the codes & save the vessel stamp?


  • Hello amasha. This is probably not a good forum for such a non-FEA question. I recommend you try eng-tips.com which has a whole sub-forum for ASME codes.
  • Thank you very much.
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