Hi, do the parts need to be already aligned to mate in the cad program before creating a bonded contact in Mecway? Reason I ask is that I can see they are in the tutorial for this.
I've imported 2 parts separately (that are not situated as in "mate" position, ie floating in space), but Mecway won't let me make a bonded contact between the 2 faces I want to join. I get this message "Some master faces are not 2D.."
The face highlighted is selected as the master, you can see that it should mate with the inner surface of the pad on the left side of the picture.
1) Given contact between more than one surfaces(at master and slave, because they well in contact)
2) Some surfaces are cylindrical/ perpendicular
3) Some are split surfaces
what are the reasons for problem "Some master faces are not 2D.." and how to resolve....
If that's not your intention, maybe you accidentally selected some shell edges - they're hard to see.
In case of two edges meeting, bonded contact doesn't support that. You might need to try to merge their nodes, or, and I'm only guessing here, maybe use CCX with TIED contact which you'd have to enter the cards for manually.
Thanks for reply..
That problem seems to be before meshing.
After meshing it doesn't show.
Am I right?