Morning all,
I have attached a little something I'm looking at out of interest. I'm basically running bits and bobs of tests to get a rough understanding of things. So when you open this up, you'll see the unit. Unfortunately it's too big a file to attach with all constraints on. I have fixed it at the 4 holes, back face and front face of the diameter piece.
The forces I'm a little iffy on. I wan to try and figure out how much that end splined bit will take before it snaps off. What would be the best way to apply the forces to this?
Thanks in advance
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Thanks again for the help :-)
Hi guys, back again!
So I'm working on the first link example above. So I see we fit this diameter piece on the end which acts like the rotation device (if you will), is that correct?
Could some one help me out as to why we have that as the same material as the main body? Is that so it 'acts as one' so to speak? When I run the analysis on this example we get a higher MPa stress at the ends of the cross section. Is it safe to say we ignore that as that piece is almost false, it's just put there to twist the main body?