Spherical coordinates are not absolutely necessary, just nice to have. ANSYS even has a toroidal coordinate system (nice for susage shaped composite tank definition).
By the way, can I define the value of the color bands in plots?
Victor, is it a quick task to add an option to add nodes relative to a node by click on that node as reference on the upcoming version? Currently we can only add node relative to the previous added node. This will help modeling relative to any nodes painless.
I come from structural engineering areas, give vote for VMH wish in contact surface since its many engineer facing these problem. Another votes are Abaqus/CalculiX export as *.inp were you planned in next version.
My wish are: 1. Bending moment, Shear force & Axial for beam shown as diagram not only coloring members 2. Load combination from set of load case with factored e.g 1.2D+1.6L 3. Concrete plate/shell reinforcements based on Wood Armer for Mx,My,Mxy and method from Clark Nielsen to add membrane effect if possible for you 4. Rigid links to connect master and slave nodes
Thanks for the suggestions, rhoka. Most of these are more specific to civil engineering which isn't the focus of Mecway. Nonetheless, I do see they have more general value, especially 1,2, and 4 so they're not ruled out.
Number 4, rigid links might be in version 3 which will have constraint equations and some kind of contact.
Yes, concrete shell reinforcements are specific to civil engineering... sorry for my expectation may looking over
I ussualy using spreadsheet to extract nodal force and make further calculation to get Wood&Armer moment, the problem are post-processing to display these values.
Nice to hear, when rigidl links and some contact will be available in next version
Actually I'm hobbies comparing FE result with textbook or with other FE codes
Two useful things that could make my life easier (hopefully others as well). Circular selection changes pattern when zoomed in and out and if it stayed in the position I would be able to choose close sat nodes by just zooming in to one of the pattern nodes and be sure it selects other. Rectangular could actually do the same as it helps picking nodes. Another thing is moving selected nodes of circular pattern towards/outwards center, Cartesian Coordinate System isn't the best in that option. Also it would be good if result digits in the display window as well as selection lines were adjusting to the changed background as in some setting these are invisible. cheers
Rhoka, importing solution values is something others are interested in too, and will certainly be a useful feature, so this is much more likely to appear, even though it still leaves some manual data copying steps for Wood & Armer.
Apadzak, thanks for your suggestions too. They all sound like things that should have been there already I've put these all on my list but can't promise if/when they'll come.
Importing result to make further calculation by user defined equation is a very usefull. I didn't see if any FE post processing provide these features, only hear about user defined stress from CalculiX.
Another thing that could have been added is changing color of components when "Visible" is selected - similar to loads and constraints suppressing, this element would grayed out. Few materials in one model is fine but more will extend search what is live and what is suppressed in bigger models.
Indeed! It's not quite the same as suppressed (they are still included in the solution) but, yes, it does need to show that somehow. I'll see what I can do for version 3.
I have a project coming up and need desperately: -Force pr length unit on laminates, u, v, uv and out of plane (interlaminar shear) -Moment pr length unit is already there
I have tried to use the midplane stress thing but on laminates it gives different results based on which layer is on the midplane and the material properties of that particular layer.
Based on the above I may go for a commercial license.
I've build a model of an inflatable surf kite, because of the large deformations it's necessary to do nonlinear analysis (tried linear but this gives rather inaccurate results as expected). Any chance shell elements will be supported for non-linear analysis? Great product, have used LISA before and glad it's further developed.
Hopefully. In the mean time, you might be able to extrude shells into solids. Quadratic solids (especially hex20) are quite good with very high aspect ratios, but it might lead to a very large slow solve with something as thin as fabric.
Victor, thank you for the slider in the results, quick and efficient way to view just interested field values. Is there a chance to view this values through the model instead just surface view? It works for Reaction Force so I believe there shoud be a way to do it for field values I found it very useful in ProMechanica. Thanks, apadzak
Do you mean showing the curved iso-surfaces inside the mesh? For that, no. You can still look inside the mesh using the cutting plane slider on the tool bar though. If it's a vector field displayed with arrows, turn off the "Show element surfaces" (gray cube button) so it's just wireframe like reaction forces.
Yes I meant just range of stress field visible through the body and rest of the body would be transparent. With complicated geometry it can be laborious to find out this hot spot so transparent body would do a job perfectly.
additional units for: - Pressures as kip/inch^2 (ksi) - Force as kip - Torque and moment as kN*m and kip*ft
graphics display per component in result. - currently only works when this component are set to not visible before running analysis - additional magenta color to make rich contour ranges.
about documentation: in page 50 of manual, for 3D static analysis of beam element available only for I profile?
Hello rhoka, sorry for the delay, I just noticed your post.
I'll look into adding those units.
You can change visibility after solving by using the other Components branch under Solution in the outline tree.
It used to have magenta but I removed it for consistency with most other software. Perhaps it should be added back as an option.
p50 is a formatting error. That table should be combined with the top row on the next page so static has I, rectangular bar, rectangular tube, circular bar, circular tube and general section. The asymmetric sections also work but with an inaccuracy so they show a warning if you use them.
Hi Victor, I have just started tweaking the model of the airplane fuselage I showed you the other day and it is quite annoying to figure out nodal constraints. This model has got connection bars between skin and beams etc. and I had to use extra constrains to stop rotations of loads of plenty of nodes in 2 directions. Right now it looks very congested with visual constraint representation and it would be great to be able to switch on visibility of just displacement constraints in Y or rotation along Z etc. I believe it potentially could save a lot of time for user to be able to switch visual representation of constraints in such way and tweak just those he is interested in without making mistake. As soon as I finish the model and get results as expected I will post the model here for the rest of the "company" to enjoy it.
as can be seen from my previous screenshot, change visibility did not work for me except it's a disable before perform running.
talk about color contour ranges, attached a comparison: MECWAY has 20 colour ranges, program A has 16 ranges with magenta and darkness. program B has 21 ranges with darkness without magenta.
same result values, but display contour can have different insight. on my opinions MECWAY look has too much green (about two times), i don't know how others user opinions?
i'm not to say what's best about each program capabilities or features, just about colour representation.
Hi rhoka, to me the most important are results, numbers, colours are just representation of isofields and they should be clear and practical in use. Creo Simulate is very bright as well and has got great capabilities, I think there is no one who spends thousands on such software thinking about colors. There is a saying in fluid dynamics world, CFD instead of Computational Fluid Dynamics could be translated as Color For Directors, the question is who do you want to be
yes, result values are very important. MECWAY has already best in result and displaying color display and only my suggestion to be better. as i say before i'm not talking about capabilities, why do you talk about Creo?
no, CFD displaying result as vector arrows not colour contour. how CFD user can see the flow distribution inside the engine or building when displaying color as contour, it will be unseen cause of covered by external boundary object contour.
you're ironics when you says colour "just" representation but another talk it should be clear - so it's not a "just".
let see what's your opinion if the tree of display above are produced by MECWAY, which one you can says it more clearly representation?
Victor, can we have the option of selecting multiple faces/surfaces in the geometry. Currently we can select one face or surface at a time and apply loads, boundary conditions, etc. Being able to hold down control key and select all of them and apply them at once cut the tedious steps if we have alot of divided faces/surfaces.
Same for selecting multiple items in the outline tree to turn on visibility or suppress or etc. Currently we have to do them one at a time.
For bonded contact in the geometry, if we can select the 1st surface as the master and 2nd face as the slave and then right click to add bonded contact all in the geometry would also be nice. This cut down the time creating the linked surfaces and then link the surfaces one by one.
Spherical coordinates are not absolutely necessary, just nice to have. ANSYS even has a toroidal coordinate system (nice for susage shaped composite tank definition).
By the way, can I define the value of the color bands in plots?
Oops, just found the values of the color band thing...!
Another way to achieve what you ask may be using Move/copy with the copy option turned on. You can press Apply repeatedly to make a line of nodes.
I come from structural engineering areas, give vote for VMH wish in contact surface since its many engineer facing these problem. Another votes are Abaqus/CalculiX export as *.inp were you planned in next version.
My wish are:
1. Bending moment, Shear force & Axial for beam shown as diagram not only coloring members
2. Load combination from set of load case with factored e.g 1.2D+1.6L
3. Concrete plate/shell reinforcements based on Wood Armer for Mx,My,Mxy and method from Clark Nielsen to add membrane effect if possible for you
4. Rigid links to connect master and slave nodes
Hope you best at all in the future, thx
Number 4, rigid links might be in version 3 which will have constraint equations and some kind of contact.
I ussualy using spreadsheet to extract nodal force and make further calculation to get Wood&Armer moment, the problem are post-processing to display these values.
Nice to hear, when rigidl links and some contact will be available in next version
Actually I'm hobbies comparing FE result with textbook or with other FE codes
thx u
Apadzak, thanks for your suggestions too. They all sound like things that should have been there already
I have a project coming up and need desperately:
-Force pr length unit on laminates, u, v, uv and out of plane (interlaminar shear)
-Moment pr length unit is already there
I have tried to use the midplane stress thing but on laminates it gives different results based on which layer is on the midplane and the material properties of that particular layer.
Based on the above I may go for a commercial license.
Great product, have used LISA before and glad it's further developed.
First at all, this is a great FEA software, I was using I-DEAS, NX-NASTRAN, ABAQUS and others, and for the price this worth the money.
Two things to add in the wishlist:
Material nonlinearity
Contact analysis
Thanks in advance!
For future version, can we import one step file that has multiple parts?
I'm really enjoying version 3. Thanks!
additional units for:
- Pressures as kip/inch^2 (ksi)
- Force as kip
- Torque and moment as kN*m and kip*ft
graphics display per component in result.
- currently only works when this component are set to not visible before running analysis
- additional magenta color to make rich contour ranges.
about documentation:
in page 50 of manual, for 3D static analysis of beam element available only for I profile?
I'll look into adding those units.
You can change visibility after solving by using the other Components branch under Solution in the outline tree.
It used to have magenta but I removed it for consistency with most other software. Perhaps it should be added back as an option.
p50 is a formatting error. That table should be combined with the top row on the next page so static has I, rectangular bar, rectangular tube, circular bar, circular tube and general section. The asymmetric sections also work but with an inaccuracy so they show a warning if you use them.
Thanks for all the helpful feedback.
as can be seen from my previous screenshot, change visibility did not work for me except it's a disable before perform running.
talk about color contour ranges, attached a comparison:
MECWAY has 20 colour ranges, program A has 16 ranges with magenta and darkness. program B has 21 ranges with darkness without magenta.
same result values, but display contour can have different insight. on my opinions MECWAY look has too much green (about two times), i don't know how others user opinions?
i'm not to say what's best about each program capabilities or features, just about colour representation.
best you all in the future
yes, result values are very important. MECWAY has already best in result and displaying color display and only my suggestion to be better. as i say before i'm not talking about capabilities, why do you talk about Creo?
no, CFD displaying result as vector arrows not colour contour. how CFD user can see the flow distribution inside the engine or building when displaying color as contour, it will be unseen cause of covered by external boundary object contour.
you're ironics when you says colour "just" representation but another talk it should be clear - so it's not a "just".
let see what's your opinion if the tree of display above are produced by MECWAY, which one you can says it more clearly representation?
Same for selecting multiple items in the outline tree to turn on visibility or suppress or etc. Currently we have to do them one at a time.
For bonded contact in the geometry, if we can select the 1st surface as the master and 2nd face as the slave and then right click to add bonded contact all in the geometry would also be nice. This cut down the time creating the linked surfaces and then link the surfaces one by one.