Centrifugal force isn't currently supported for exporting to CCX. See p122 of the manual http://mecway.com/manual.pdf for a list of which features are there.
Instead, you can define it by entering the CCX command by hand in CCX -> custom step contents such as:
*DLOAD Default,CENTRIF,64.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.
where Default is the element set, 64 is angular velocity squared, and the 0's and 1 define the axis of rotation (here the X axis).
I've attached an example file with centrifugal force that you can solve with both CCX and Mecway's solver.
Seems the issue is coming from Mecway since it's not able to create the input file with the centrifugal load information.
Instead, you can define it by entering the CCX command by hand in CCX -> custom step contents such as:
where Default is the element set, 64 is angular velocity squared, and the 0's and 1 define the axis of rotation (here the X axis).
I've attached an example file with centrifugal force that you can solve with both CCX and Mecway's solver.