ASME Stress Linearization

edited May 2014
Possible to add the ASME Stress Linearization in Mecway as a post processor tool?


  • Thanks for the suggestion. We'll consider this for version 2 or 3. Can you give a bit more information about what would be useful, such as:
    1) Shell elements only
    2) Solid elements along lines of nodes
    3) Solid elements along arbitrary lines, even if there aren't nodes on them
    4) Solid elements over surfaces
    5) Plots of values along the stress classification lines vs. only the peak values
  • 1) It will be for both shell and solid. The shell elements one generally uses
    only one node with the six tensors for the top and bottom surface, but one may want to go along the shell surface. This one is therefore not as important as you could do it by hand through the thickness of the shell element.
    2) The solids are important, and generally you have to mesh (art of meshing) to ensure that the nodes falls on the same SCL (Stress Classification Line). The other package I use, allows you to tweak the global tolerance a bit that it will catch the nodes that is not exactly on the SCL. A tolerance of some sorts will work good.
    3) The plots are as follows:
    a) Nominal stresses through the thickness (membrane). This includes the six tensors, principal and von mises. The principal stresses are used to check other criteria in the code (by the way it's use by all major codes, not only ASME).
    b) Bending stresses through the thickness, with the same output as above for the membrane stress.
    c) Nominal+Bending stresses with the same as above.
    d) Peak stresses, this is simply the difference between S(FEA)-(Sm+Sb)=Speak (Defined as F in ASME).
    d) Not only a graph, but in table format. This one will have one Sm, Sb, Sm+Sb, F, and the three principals per each (Sm, Sb, Sm+Sb, F) and six tensors per each (Sm, Sb, Sm+Sb, F) for every SCL.
    e) Sm, Sb, F is in von mises, the older code, pre-2006, was Tresca.
  • That's very helpful. I can't promise everything and may contact you by email in future for further clarification.
  • A stress linearization tool is now available in version 2.0.
  • Victor,
    Thanks a lot, this will make life much easier!
  • Hi Victor,
    I am try to generate circular helical strand by sweeping a long a curvilinear path. Then after generating one, I tends want to duplicate it into 6, 12, 18 closed loop to form a cable. Can Mecway produce such a geometry?
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