Error in solving static 3D problem with CCx

*ERROR reading *EQUATION: the DOF corresponding to
node direction1 is detected on
the dependent side of two different MPC's
How to resolve?


  • (Not a direction 1
    it is directional)
  • edited February 2018
    Probably you are applying two different restrains to the same node. Sometimes happens on the simmetry planes. Upload the model and maybe we could understand it quicker and give a better answer.
  • I will attach jpg file of assembly(L shaped support supporting two plates).
    I need all bonded contacts or other contacts.
    My original problem encounters same shape of attached assembly.
  • edited February 2018
    This is probably because two or more bonded contacts are sharing slave nodes where all 3 parts meet. It's a common problem without a simple solution. Some suggestions:

    A) Make a small chamfer on those edges so there are no common nodes.

    B ) Manually remove the faces along those edges from the bonded contact.

    C) Use the penalty/elastic contact with *CONTACT PAIR and the TIED pressure-overclosure relationship. I haven't tested this to see if it allows common nodes but I would imagine it probably does. You may have to write all the contact cards by hand in CCX -> Custom model definition.

    D) If the surface meshes match between the two rectangular parts, merge their nodes together instead of using bonded contact.

    E) If the surface meshes don't match, remove one of the rectangular parts and rebuild it in Mecway by extruding from the surface of the other. Then you won't need any bonded contact between them.
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