Non linear time step

When I do a nonlinear static analysis, in the lower left frame the values of time are 1E+06 times greater than they should be.
Are this values in microseconds instead of seconds?
The unit shown is second.


  • This might not be your problem, but the units can sometimes be not visible and therefore easy to set wrong. See the end of

  • edited August 2017
    Problems with displacement shouldn't affect the solver progress display. Could you post an example file, German?

    It gets the progress data by parsing the CCX standard output (as shown in the "CCX output" box). It's possible that the format is different and confusing it.

    EDIT: A factor of 10^6 sounds like a decimal separator problem since CCX shows 6 decimal places. Is your CCX using commas for decimal separators? Or perhaps CCX uses "." but Mecway mistakenly looks for "," because of Windows' setting.
  • OK, I've confirmed this is a localization issue that appears when the number grouping separator on Windows is set to ".". It'll be fixed in version 8. Thanks for reporting it.
  • Victor,
    my windows regional configuration uses "," as decilal sign and "." as thousands separator and ";" as csv separator (which is another problem when reading .csv table files by the way)
  • Would it help if there was an option to generate .csv with the localized Windows decimal,thousands,csv symbols? I suppose commas and dots are a problem there too?
  • It would be great, so one can just open the cvs instead to have to import data in excel.
  • As far as I know CSV are always generated in the same way no matter the regional configuration, maybe this could lead to other problems. I live in Argentina and even if we use commas for decimal separator, I always modify the regional settings to use point and commas for thousand because this problem happen with all engineering software.

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