Some tips on how to make upgrading Mecway / CCX / Gmsh and other things a bit easier. These notes are well suited for someone administering to a group of users, but also useful for individuals. 1. Get latest CCX from site, from a hyperlink simply called "files" It will look something like this: Have a bat file to update related softwares. Copy to Public directory, IT/Windows Security won't complain. The example below copies CCX, Gmsh into Public directory from a network drive. rem ***** BEGIN sample_update_software.bat @echo off @echo ***** Updating Calculix Solver @echo ***** PASTIX is Default, switch using Library CCX_custom_commands PARDISO SOLVER c: cd c:\Users\Public echo The current directory is %CD% mkdir calculix_2.20_4win cd calculix_2.20_4win xcopy /E /Y Z:\SOFTWARE\SOFTWARE\calculix_2.20_4win . cd .. @echo ***** Update Gmsh Solver ***** mkdir gmsh-4.10.5-Windows64 cd gmsh-4.10.5-Windows64 xcopy /E /Y Z:\SOFTWARE\SOFTWARE\gmsh-4.10.5-Windows64 . cd .. pause rem ***** END sample_update_software.bat 2. Install latest Mecway, do a "Launch Mecway" and quit 3. Have a bat file to modify the user.config file This file is located under the AppData directories, find it with this path: cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Mecway_Limited\mec*\20.* Make a file from the latest user.config, keeping all lines up the the last command Make a file of that has the last few lines, it will look like this: Make a "user.config sandwich" from the new user.config, with your updates and the user key in the middle: type your_user_config_updates.mid > user.config Replace the user.config in the same location C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Mecway_Limited\mec*\20.* Below is an example of customized user.config inputs They point to a Mecway_Library, the GMsh and CCX software, a Python Script library, and some DefaultMeshingParameters. These will overwrite existing settings above in the, but everything else will stay the same. Z:\SOFTWARE\Mecway_Library C:\Users\Public\gmsh-4.10.5-Windows64\gmsh.exe C:\Users\Public\calculix_2.20_4win\ccx_dynamic.exe Z:\SOFTWARE\Mecway_Library\PythonScripts\ Z:\SOFTWARE\Mecway_Library\PythonScripts\ Z:\SOFTWARE\Mecway_Library\PythonScripts\ <mesher elementspercurve="1" elementsperedge="2" grading="0.3" volume="true" quaddominated="true" quadratic="true" straightedges="true" /> 4. User the Mecway_Library to easily switch solvers (see fig)