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  • Very thanks! Victor made it run with CCX and internal solver. The problem was probably the geometry I made for the supports (jacobian determinat) with CCX. Flat contacts are working now. With the internal solver a little more RAM is needed and 8GB…
  • Very thanks for your answere. It was good to know to take the mesh into account. I did various tries on the mesh and geometry (it is a circular bolt in a bush). It worked after I took quadratic elements with mid size nodes. It seems the element typ…
  • Hi Andrea, thanks for your advise. The problem was with AD. It depends on the sequence you build the assembly to get right position information. Regards Roland
  • Hi Sergio, thanks for your comment. It seems it is not a thing about Mecway. Any how AD does not give the right axis systems in the step file. I try out something in AD.
  • Hi Sergio, really nice! Maybe a strange question, but where can I find the TIE function in Mecway?
  • Hi Guys again! Thanks for your advises. I tried out some things the last nights, and killed my illusion to get the mesh simple on the assembly. I tried out Salome and worked with explode, fuse and partion (its a bigger one than the step data above)…
  • Really thanks for your answers! To do fast calculations on concepts of such welded assemblies it would be great to get automatic mesh without manual preparation. I now got the assembly meshed after merging the bodies together. Now I will trie to get…
  • Thanks again! Your comments are quite helpful. Is it possible to use bonded contacts for parts that are intersecting each over are just have a line contact? I tried to contact two intersecting bodies in a simple model, but it did not work. Also by m…
  • Hi Andrea, thanks very much! The mesh looks really good for what I want to do. Can you please tell me how you managed to mesh it? Regards, Roland
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