Composite laminates tutorial

Does anybody know where I can find some composite laminates tutorials for  Mecway or Lisa?


  • hi,

    there's great and extensive tutorial wrote by my former dean faculty Dr. Waluyo, even using previous version of LISA-FET still usable as references.

    you can found composite example starting from pages 109, links of document:

  • That's a very nice tutorial but I think it's too dated to be much use for Mecway. It doesn't seem to have examples of the different-materials-on-each-layer type of laminate material which is the only one that Mecway and LISA have now.

    There's an example cantilever beam in this thread.

  • Thank you. I need a tutorial that explains how to use Tsai-Wu failur criteria and also how to use the stress results.
  • Not quite a tutorial, but here's a quick example of the Tsai-Wu failure criterion:

    Make a model with shell elements and a laminate material.
    Enter the parameters in Material Properties ->Failure criteria -> Tsai-Wu
    Solve and see the results in:
    - Factor of Safety
    - First Layer to Fail
    - Failure Position in Layer

    At each element's node, if Factor of Safety is less than 1, then it has failed and the other two results show the location of the lowest safety factor. The numbers are integers as shown in the attached picture.

    The tensile strengths are lower than the compressive strengths and you can see that the surface that's in tension is the one that fails first (the bottom of layer 1).

  • Thank you.
    Please correct me if I am wrong in the followings:
    1- Safety factor on a node is related to the worst layer stress(up or down of layer with highest von Mises stress).
    2- First layer to fail on a node shows the layer number
    3- Failure position in layer on a node shows the failure position on a layer (-1 to 1 for bottom to top)

  • 1. Yes except with the Tsai-Wu criterion instead of von Mises.
    2. Yes
    3. Yes except it only checks the top and bottom of each layer, not anywhere in between.

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