Automesh 2D - 3D

I am trying to calculate crictical moment of a "C" profile with fixed support to the ends and loaded with two vertical forces. I created a simple shell model. When I trying "Automesh 2D - 3D" the program failed to create a refined mesh.
I attached the .liml file.
Someone can help me?
Thanks, Marco


  • Mesh tools -> Automesh 2D is only for plane shapes and 3D is only for solids. For this open shell structure, you can use Mesh tools -> Refine -> x2 or if you want more control over the shape of the elements Mesh tools -> Refine Custom.
  • Thanks Victor, I misunderstood the function of the "Automesh" tool. I tried with "Refine" tools and work good. Regards, Marco.

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