Help with Building a Material Database

Hi all,

I think this would be a question for Victor to start.

With MECWAY not having a material database, it is suggested in the manual to save a blank .liml with the material you desire and then merge it with your current work to make available those materials. This got me digging into the .liml file itself and I think it would be fairly simple to build a "material database" inside this blank .liml that could be used to select different materials.

I am going to attempt this but I was hoping get some feedback on the "keyword" format used to define the materials. My plan is to create a spreadsheet with the various material properties (as many as possible) and then use an Octave script to read it to generate the proper format of the tags needed in the .liml to generate the "database". My issue currently is that I do not know all of the keywords for each material property type and would like to avoid going through all of the different study options and determining these (e.g. <mechanical type="Isotropic" youngsmodulus="205000000000 Pa"). Is it possible to see a list of all of these laid out Victor? Any insights into my thinking possibly being flawed?

I think something like this could greatly assist in model creation.

Thanks in advance!


  • edited May 2017
    Here they are

    Material types

    Geometric "Plate" "C" "T" "L" "I" "RectBar" "RectTube" "CircularBar" "UniformCircularTube" "UniformGeneralSection" Mechanical "Isotropic" "Orthotropic" "StiffnessMatrix" "AnisotropicPlate" "Laminate" "Spring" "TensionOnly" "ComplianceMatrix" "NeoHooke" "MooneyRivlin" Density "Simple" Plastic "BilinearIsotropic" "BilinearKinematic" "RambergOsgood" Thermal "Isotropic" "TempDependent" "Orthotropic" Fluid "Newtonian" Electric "Isotropic" "Orthotropic" "PermittivityMatrix" "TempDependent" "Extensive" Failure "VonMises" "TsaiWu" PiezoElectric "eMatrix" "dMatrix"
  • And the property names:

    Geometric "thickness" "ca" "cb" "cc" "cd" "ta" "tb" "tc" "td" "la" "lb" "lc" "ia" "ib" "ic" "id" "recta" "rectb" "rectthickness" "roundod" "roundid" "iyy" "izz" "torsionconstant" "perimeter" "area" "pointy" "pointz" "planestrain" Mechanical "youngsmodulus" "youngsmodulusu" "youngsmodulusv" "youngsmodulusw" "poissonratio" "poissonratiouv" "poissonratiovw" "poissonratiowu" "shearmodulusuv" "shearmodulusvw" "shearmoduluswu" "thermalexpansion" "thermalexpansionu" "thermalexpansionv" "thermalexpansionw" Stiffness/elasticity constants solid "c11" "c12" "c13" "c14" "c15" "c16" "c22" "c23" "c24" "c25" "c26" "c33" "c34" "c35" "c36" "c44" "c45" "c46" "c55" "c56" "c66" Stiffness/elasticity constants plane "q11p" "q12p" "q13p" "q22p" "q23p" "q33p" Compliance constants "s11" "s12" "s13" "s14" "s15" "s16" "s22" "s23" "s24" "s26" "s25" "s33" "s34" "s35" "s36" "s44" "s45" "s46" "s55" "s56" "s66" Acoustic "speedofsound" Spring "springconstant" "preload" "freelength" "dampingcoefficient" Mooney-Rivlin and Neo Hooke "d1" "hyperelasticc10" "hyperelasticc01" Density "density" Plastic "yieldstrength" "tangentmodulus" "rambergosgoodexponent" "rambergossgoodalpha" Thermal "specificheat" "thermalconductivity" "thermalconductivityu" "thermalconductivityv" "thermalconductivityw" Fluid "dynamicviscosity" Electric "resistance" "permittivity" "permittivityu" "permittivityuv" "permittivitywu" "permittivityv" "permittivityvw" "permittivityw" "constantstress" "conductivity" "conductivityu" "conductivityv" "conductivityw" Failure criteria "tensilestrength" "strengtht1" "strengthc1" "strengtht2" "strengthc2" "strength12" "tsaiwufstar12" Piezoelectric "e11" "e12" "e13" "e14" "e15" "e16" "e21" "e22" "e23" "e24" "e25" "e26" "e31" "e32" "e33" "e34" "e35" "e36" "d11" "d12" "d13" "d14" "d15" "d16" "d21" "d22" "d23" "d24" "d25" "d26" "d31" "d32" "d33" "d34" "d35" "d36"
  • Perfect, thank you very much Victor.
  • My votes for a built in material database! I have the same problem, have started saving all my materials in one file, but then when I import it, all materials came on the actual model, and even if they lay on the unused material branch, some warnings came while it solve as some of them (unused) have properties not accepted by the actual calculus. Then I start to save every material as a single file what is best as I don´t have to worry on the warnings. My problem now is to have all this files in a accessible folder... seeing that in the Open File dialog there are two special folders (Examples and Tutorials), why not add two more as Materials and User Templates???

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